Friday, December 17, 2010

long time no see

I'm baaaaaaaaaccckkk!
It makes me sad that I've been a bit MIA from my blog the past few weeks. Sometimes, life (finals, work, studying, finals, finals...) just gets in the way of blogging. But that's okay. I plan on catching up over my break. :).

So, I love Christmas and this time of year for a lot of different reasons. One reason being that I can find Christmas music on just about any radio station at any given time. Christmas music makes me excited and several times in the past few weeks, I have found myself driving down the road listening to any given song, in complete awe that the God of the universe became a man and came to Earth as a little baby, born into less than desirable conditions. It makes me excited just thinking about it. It lights my fire to think that the God that created everything, came as a baby into a cold, dirty barn (for all practical reasons), and that He did that because He loves me and you THAT much.
I heard this song on the radio the other day. I usually really like traditional Christmas songs, original or redone, but this one is much different. Even though it is different, it says so much about our Savior and why we celebrate this time of year. Here is the video with lyrics, check it out...

There are several lines of this song that I love, particularly the chorus, but I also really like the end that says,

"And I, I celebrate the day,
That You were born to die,
So I could one day pray for You to save my life."

Isn't that what it's all about anyway? It seriously makes my heart beat a little bit faster thinking about this. What makes you excited and lights your fire? Do you like this song? What do you think? I want to hear your thoughts on this.


ps: I know lots of you read this, because I have a hits counter AND several of you have mentioned my blog to me outside of cyberspace. So, I wanna hear about it. :).