Saturday, June 11, 2011

10 things.

1. Russia is getting difficult.
2. If you are reading this, I would probably love to hear from you via email, facebook, comment, anything.
3. We went to the park and had a great turnout today. Then it poured rain.
4. I got seperated from my team on the metro today...freaky.
5. We heard that some meat you get here is made out of cats...CREEPY.
6. We went to the zoo yesterday! It was fun. The only 2 bears I've seen in Russia so far were there. :)
7. I have lots of new besties. They are going to visit me in Lubbock. :)
8. We got new sheets last's the little things, really.
9. I still can't read or speak any Russian.
10. I feel like I will appreciate 4th of July more this year than I have in the last 20 years. :)


  1. Well, sounds like a lot of things there. . . 10? Keep doing those as you think of them.

    We've had a very busy week here. Kim was out of town for 2 days. Long story. . . tell you later. Kids had VBS. I worked a lot. . .

    Love you.

  2. I'm so proud of you for being there and reaching Russian students for Christ McCall!!!!! It's the mid project lull, but before you know it, you won't want it to end! I'm praying for you!!!!!

  3. OK, so in your next post you need to tell me that you've learned some Russian words. Even if you butcher the language, it's better to get out there and try. They'll appreciate the effort, and you might surprise yourself on what you can pick up.

    Praying for you!

  4. Thanks for the blog updates McCall. Jennifer and I are praying for you!
